Current Events

You may vote for only ONE of the entries.

Compare the original fat quarter, a piece of which is located on the BACK of each entry.

Look for the fabric on the FRONT of the entry, and decide which entry best turned "trash into treasure".

Here is your chance to be a JUDGE and ask....

Did the artist address the theme?

Was the fabric transformed?  Was the technique unusual or creative?  

Is the entry special and cause you to "stop and take a closer look" as you walked through a gallery?


Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with the name of the artist you select.

Please send your email NO LATER THAN May 20th

I will collect the names and forward them to the Board to determine the "winner".

Everyone will be notified and a special "gift" delivered to the 2020 Ugly Fat Quarter Queen.

 Photos and Artist Statements are set out BELOW